Friday, March 22, 2019

Advanced Python: OOPs & Functional Paradigms NYC 103

What you'll learn in this python class:

Object Oriented and Functional Programming in Python
2 Hours Class 
Pre-requisite: Python 101 (basic) + 102 (interim)

After this class you will be able to understand Python more deeply and launch your career from scripting to software development / web development / Quant in Python . If you know basic syntax of Python then this course will launch you to the next level. 

Directions can you go if you learn OOP and Functional Python:
  1. Web development: Django uses classes and functional style extensively.
  2. Banks are converting their old code from proprietary softwares to the open source world so that they can harness the evolution in Big Data and Python.
  3. Banks are building their own libraries and putting them in libraries to run their analytics which was earlier done by companies like MATLAB, SAS, etc. If you are a CFA, FRM or Quant developer this courses help you understand what you need to learn in Python.
  4. Code made earlier can be made more optimal using functional aspects and then create classes and libraries of your earlier code. This ways you can organize your code and share it in a library.

This course introduces to OOPS and Functional aspects of Python.

Python allows us to use Object Oriented, Functional and scripting and hence it the language of data science, web, big data and software development.
Object oriented programming involves classes, inheritance, meta classes, encapsulation, overloading using classes.

Main Topics to be Discussed:
  • Functional programming
  • Decorators & Higher Order Functions
  • Call backs
  • Late binding / Closures
  • Pass by reference / pass by value
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Meta Programming & Meta Classes
  • Abstract Class  / ABC Class
  • __new__ vs __init__
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Super function in Python
  • Generators, Iterators, Decorators, and Context Managers
  • Unit Testing Python
  • Multithreading in Python? Why is it a bad idea?
  • Why a list comprehension is faster than a for loop (which really is to say understand how bytecode is generated, at high level)
  • Overloading
  • Other concepts
  • What is the difference between deep and shallow copy?
  • Terms for job interviews

    Our instructor has experience in teaching Python with people with little or no experience

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