Tuesday, September 4, 2018

QcFinance Indore India

How many times have you seen problems or opportunities for improvement in your workflow and promised to fix them if you only had the time or if you only could train my employees with such expertise?

Unforeseen, undocumented, forgiven, hidden cost of issues like below are bringing your valuations down:
1.    Poorly-understood, legacy framework mostly into excel—dilapidated on unknown, unstated assumptions
2.    Slow process of calculations
3.    Un-scalable excel models that are difficult to maintain, improve, replicate or extend
4.    Increased pressure, requiring added reporting and enhanced auditing
5.    Lack of in-house research resources for SQL,Python and R – both of which are open source (free – with no extra burden)
6.    Over-reliance on external novel untested software from vendors
QCFin provide solutions for such hurdles, working quickly, properly, and thoroughly to create more value in your employers and finally an increased valuation for your firm. 

Our company qcfinance.in, Indore specializes in developing advanced modeling, simulation, data analysis and visualization software for clients. Using the MATLAB, R, Python suite of numerical analysis software from The MathWorks, together with other technologies such as C++ and VBA, allows us to solve a wide range of design and implementation problems for our clients including risk analysis in active and passive strategies.

Leveraging expert knowledge in areas such as computational finance, we have immense experience in delivering customer specific requirements from clients across the nations.

Get support in Research Writing, Software Development & Back testing.

Beside this, we also provide training for CFA, FRM, CQF, BAT, other Finance Exams. We also provide consultancy on MATALB, R, VBA, SQL, Python, MongoDB, SAS.

Sub topics in Excel VBA Bootcamp:
Basics of Excel: Vlookups, Hlookups, Index Match, Dependents, Data tables (1 way and 2 ways), Pivots, Charting, Filters, SQL integration, VBA coding, Address and indirect, Offset, Array functions, etc.
Applications: Regression, Histograms, Monte carlo simulation, rank correlation, dashboards, more.
Automation using VBA: Loops (for, do while, case), Recorder, Arrays and Matrices, if else, indexing, etc.

Automate and Debug Office Tasks using Excel VBA / Python

Tired of Excel and Access? Move to Python / SQL and if needed little VBA.

Check out portfolio at website, youtube channel.

*** Automatic emails sent utilizing excel with the ability to send 100s at a time.
*** Python Pandas code to play with CSV to reduce daily processes spent on timely tasks.
*** Customized, automated, & streamlined reporting from small and large data sets using Pandas, Matplot, Flask websites in Python

*** Financial modeling and analysis
*** Preparing business analysis and building valuation models to receive capital
*** Quoting and pricing tools that incorporate the use of forms

SQL Tables
SQL Queries
SQL Power Pivots Reports
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
Importing and Exporting Data in SQL, VBA, Python seamlessly
Merging Data To MS Word from Python, SQL or Flask
Linked SQL Server Data / Python / PostGRESQL to Excel
Data Migration

Office in NYC and India.
Analytics company in operations in India from over 8 year.
Consultant with exp in Banks and Hedge Funds in India, Israel and USA.

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